How 1Doge contributes to Charity

1Doge Finance
2 min readJul 23, 2021


Charitable organizations are important to providing philanthropy and social wellbeing for humanity. A good number of new projects claim to build their core around charity but often times they seize to make donations after their initial donations. This is mainly because it might not be seen as a sustainable venture when the project is past launch phase. At 1Doge, we’ve decided to view charity through a different lens with regards to how charitable funds are raised and projects executed.

Our charity model

As a project, The giving back model we employ is quite a highly sustainable one. Five percent(2%) of 1Doge tokens is reserved for charity, this means that the charity wallet receives 2% of all redistributed tokens per static Reflection. This way , the charity wallet receives 1Doge tokens that will be used to support charitable causes as directed by the community.

Unlike other projects that have once off charity payments or promise to donate to charity and never deliver on their word. 1Doge’s method ensures that the charity is always a part of 1Doge and proceeds are delivered to the charity wallets with every static Reflection.


We have drafted out a list of potential 3rd party charity organizations which are approaching charity differently , we would start working with them in the coming days, most of the funds raised would be channeled through this organizations, while we continue to be transparent about these donations.

Till next time

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1Doge Finance

1Doge is on a mission to take the Doge clan to $1. It’s a hyper deflationary token with an automatic buy back & burn mechanism. With static rewards for holders.